RFC Hell

I hate reading RFCs. I find the format of them terrible and just general awful to read. To fix this problem I want to create something that will format RFCs in a much more pleasant fashion.

There have been a couple attempts at this, but they all rely on the RFC being published in XML, which very few of them are.

I think with some clever parsing I can format the HTML versions! Most of the paragraphs (aside from the ascii art), with a couple of minor replacements and fixes, can be thrown into a markdown formatter. ASCII art will have to be detected (probably using some sort of percentage of non-alphabet characters in a paragraph and formatted as code blocks.


I'm thinking Flask webapp? Or maybe a React webapp. React would be nice because then I don't have to deal with a serverside element, and I've been meaning to learn React anyway. But if I do it with Flask then I can use Python on the serverside and not have to deal with TypeScript.

So I guess React it is!

So, a React webapp that will fetch the HTML(? I could also fetch the text version) version of the specified RFC and make it more readable.

Ok so I started it and.. doing it in React was quite possibly the dumbest idea I've ever had. And I've had a lot of dumb ideas. Doing this with Flask would have been waaaaay easier, especially once i get to the actual text processing parts. Fortunately, I am not that smart and will continue bashing my head against React to get this working (this is in no small part due to a job that I applied for that apparently does all their stuff in React so now I'm trying to learn it).